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Formation, Significance and Functions of Attitudes

 Formation, Significance and Functions of attitude:-

Table of Contents

1.Formation of attitude:-
  • Experience
  • Association
  • Family
  • Peer Groups
  • Society
  • Personality
  • Education
2.Significance of attitudes:-
  • Adjustment
  • Behavior Determination
  • Increase Productivity
  • Conflict Reduction
  • Success Achievement
  • Policy Formulation
  • Tension Reduction
  • Increase Managerial Skills
  • Perception Making
  • Collective Espirit
  • Inspiration
  • Dissatisfaction Reduction
  • Decision Making
  • Impression creation
  • Expression Enhancement
  • Work Life Determination
  • Defenses Ego
  • Expresses Value
  • Provides Knowledge
3.Functions of Attitudes:-
  • Ego-Defensive Functions
  • Value Expressive Function
  • Adjustment Function
  • Knowledge Function
4.Frequently Asked Questions

Formation of attitude:-

The long lasting feelings, beliefs and behavioral tendencies directed towards specific people, group, ideas, issues, or objects is called Attitudes. Here is controversy about the sources of attitudes. Though, there is controversy, attitudes are generally learned. Most attitudes are mixtures of following factors:-


Experience influences on attitude formation. For example, low salary experience makes negative attitudes towards organization. For example, high salary experience makes positive attitudes towards organization. Fisherman may frighten with high altitude but they never frighten with the sea and river.



Person's relationship with different working groups also keeps impact on his attitude formation. Our attitudes influenced by similar age group, racial group, gender group, income group, region, religion and educational background.



Initial core parts of attitudes are largely shaped by family. Mainly father and mother from family influence the attitudes. Generally, elders influence on attitudes of younger. These elders are grandmother, grandfather, elder brother and elder sisters of family. Family background, their class, education and religion influence also attitudes.

4.Peer Groups:-

Peer groups are group of those people who share same attitudes as we do. Peer groups influence on attitudes of us.


Society also influences the attitudes. Society consists of religion and culture which shape the attitudes of people. The culture, language, and structure of society influence the people's attitudes.



Personality factors influence on attitudes. Personality differs from person to person. Though, two sisters are growing in same environment, their attitudes may differ to each others because of their different personalities.



The process of earning the knowledge is Called education. Education may create environment and environment creates the attitudes.


These factors influence the attitude of employees. So, managers should understand experience, association, family, peer groups, society, personality and education of employees to anticipate his current and future attitudes. So, he can mobilize employees according to attitudes.


Significance of attitudes:-

The long lasting feelings, beliefs and behavioral tendencies directed towards specific people, group, ideas, issues, or objects is called Attitudes. Significance of attitudes can be expressed as below:-



Employees may adjust themselves with working environment through the medium of attitudes.


2.Behavior Determination:-

Someone's attitudes towards any target determine way of his behavior. Favorable attitude brings favorable behavior and vice versa.


3.Increase Productivity:-

Positive attitudes help to increase productivity by determining level of job satisfaction and performance level in advance.


4.Conflict Reduction:-

Conflict may arise in organization due to different belief and interests. Positive attitudes help to reduce these conflicts inside organization.


5.Success Achievement:-

Positive attitude motivates individual so that he may achieve success in various sectors of life.


6.Policy Formulation:-

Attitudes reflect the perception of employees towards any individual, events and object. It helps management to shape policy related to their salary, job, time, supervision, control, communication style, motivations and future strategies.


7.Tension Reduction:-

Work life may provide various physical and mental tensions. It can be reduced by maintaining positive attitude.


8. Increase Managerial Skills:-

Managers have to face various challenges from environment in organization.  They can face these challenges properly and gradually if they have positive attitudes.


9.Perception Making:-

Attitude helps to perceive target. Positive attitude makes sound perception in life. Negative attitude brings stress, sadness and anxiety by creating negative perception.


10.Collective Espirit:-

Positive attitudes maintain sound relationship with others in organization. It creates environment of mutual appreciation with employees. So, their unity or bonding becomes strong.


11. Inspiration:-

Positive attitude inspires employees to overcome any challenges of work life.


12.Dissatisfaction Reduction:-

Attitudes help to reduce job dissatisfaction. So, employee turnover, absenteeism rate, grievances and work accidents get reduced in organization.


13.Decision Making:-

Positive attitude helps us to choose best alternatives.


14.Impression creation:-

Attitudes influences on impressing capacity of person.


15.Expression Enhancement:-

Positive attitude enhances the expressing skills of individual.


16. Work Life Determination:-

Attitude helps to determine work life of people.


17. Defenses Ego:-

Some attitudes lead people to protect self ego, self respect, self esteem and self image in front of others.

18. Expresses Value:-

Some attitudes leads people express their value and belief to others.


19.Provides Knowledge:-

Some attitudes enable people to acquire knowledge about external world.


Employee's attitude is so valuable for organization. Positive attitudes of employees provide too many benefits to organization. So, organization should keep its efforts to maintain or make positive attitude of employee using various tools. So, organization will achieve higher productivity.


Functions of Attitudes:-

The long lasting feelings, beliefs and behavioral tendencies directed towards specific people, group, ideas, issues, or objects is called Attitudes. Functions of attitudes can be expressed as below:-


1.Ego-Defensive Functions:-

Some attitudes of people are ego defensive in nature. These attitudes lead people to protect self ego, self respect, self esteem and self image in front of others. These attitudes protect attitude holder from psychological loss. These psychological harms are protected through rejection, repression, projections and presenting logic. Sometime shameful situations is generated, these attitudes holders protect themselves by transferring guilty to others or justifying these situations. These attitude holders justify their guilty through biased and distorted interpretation or clarification of situations.


2.Value Expressive Function:-

Some attitudes of people are value expressive in nature. These attitudes lead people to express their value and belief to others.  It is done to influence others or get them following these values. These attitude holders get others to carry self concepts of attitude holder.  Their values are their self concepts which can be said as their ideas about who they are. This function communicates self concept of one to others.


3.Adjustment Function:-

Some attitudes of people are adaptive to working environment. These attitudes lead employees to adjust with working environment. These attitudes shape upcoming behavior of individual. These attitudes attract those circumstances which lead people to desirable goal and rewards. These attitudes distract those circumstances which lead people to punishment and undesirable results. It means these attitudes forces people to get reward and avoid punishments. If people have positive attitude to organization, they become always ready to work hard for achieving organizational objective. If people have negative attitudes to organization, they contribute less for organization.


4.Knowledge Function:-

Some attitudes of people help to acquire them knowledge. These attitudes enable people to understand external world. These attitudes help to understand our need, possibility of happening something, causes of events, features of people and various situations. It means these attitudes makes people world understandable, predictable and knowable. Knowing one may help to anticipate his future behavior. For example, if people have positive attitudes toward mobile banking, they try to learn about mobile bank and operate it.


Attitudes enable people to adjust with working environment, defense their self ego, express their value to others and acquire knowledge about external world. These functions help people to be successful manager, dedicated employees.  It makes organization progressive.


Frequently Asked Questions

1.What are the 3 components of forming attitudes?

2.What is attitude formation with example?

3.What is the nature and formation of attitude?

4.What is formation of attitude in conditioning?

5.How Attitudes are Formed?

6.Why Attitude Is Important and mention 11 Tips for Maintaining a Positive Attitude.

7.What is the significance study of attitudes?

8.What is the significance of attitude in Organizational behavior?

9.What is the significance of positive attitude in life?

10.What are the 4 functions of attitude?

11.What are the functions and purpose of attitudes?

12.What is the function of attitude Wikipedia?

13.What is the nature and function of attitude in psychology?

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