Meaning, Dimensions & Benefits of Organizational Citizenship Behavior

- The desire and behavior of employees to contribute more than the predetermined standard of contribution for the organization is known as organizational citizenship behavior.
- Employees with organizational citizenship behavior are ready to perform more than prescribed by organizational rules, regulations, laws, procedures, circulars, and dignity.
- These employees are fascinated to learn and perform extra work on regular work too. They support their co-workers, suggest methods to ease work, and increase the happiness of customers.
- These people get fascinated by tracking and solving organizational problems and errors. They request the management to fix those unsolved problems and errors. They suggest probable alternative solutions. They try to find the easiest way to solve problems. They may revolt against the management, which does not play a role in fixing the unsolved problems.
- They publicize and advocate proactively for organizational services and products. They assist management. They become prepared to contribute free of charge for extra time. They try to invent new methods to perform.
- Organizational citizenship behavior increases efficiency, collective motivation, performance, employee morale, productivity, and job satisfaction.
- Organizational citizenship behavior reactivates organizational efforts through refreshment.
- It reduces the necessity of monitoring, costing, and managerial tasks too.
- Organizational citizenship behavior is shown by employees with higher ambitions.
- This behavior helps us to face changes and unpredictable consequences.
Dimensions of organizational Citizenship Behavior:-
The desire and behavior of employees to contribute more than the predetermined standard of contribution for the organizational is known as organizational citizenship behavior.
Employees with higher organizational citizenship behavior help selflessly their co-workers, customers, and managers without being tempted by financial or non-financial benefits. Bringing medicine to sick co-workers, doing work that is not assigned for him in the absence of a co-worker, and helping managers without extra allowance are examples of benevolent behavior.
Tolerance is the nature of being normal and tolerant towards others, even when an uncomfortable situation or problem is created in the organization. Keeping efforts to provide continuous standardized services even though the organization lacks proper infrastructure and maintaining harmony with management even though dissatisfaction is a lot.
3.Civic Virtue:-
As citizens, people are ready to accept the laws of the country, to progress the country, and to die for the protection of the country. In the same way, people with organizational citizenship behavior are ready to contribute excessively to the organization, to protect the existence of the organization, to follow the rules and regulations, and to contribute sweat and blood for this.
Individuals with higher organizational citizenship behavior strive continuously and are not deterred by failure or a negative event. He believes in action rather than results. They are always excited to publicize the organization's services without being deterred by a single criticism. These employees more aggressively promote the services and products through personal efforts.
Employees with higher organizational citizenship behavior behave in a polite, friendly, respectful, or reverent manner towards customers, co-workers, and management. They listen politely to their grievances, problems, and advice. They politely solve the problems that can be solved, and when they cannot, they humbly show the reason for not being able to solve them.
Employees with higher organizational citizenship behavior perform more tasks than the set standard. They have an excessive willingness and desire to perform more. People with such behavior try to keep the organization's performance level, productivity, and efficiency higher than specified.
Employees with higher organizational citizenship behavior show the behavior of searching for ways to make the organization's work style, procedures, and methods simple, clear, less expensive, and more agile. Even after thousands of failures, they try to innovate with hope.
Benefits of Organizational Citizenship Behavior:-
The desire and behavior of employees to contribute more than the predetermined standard of contribution for the organization is known as organization citizenship behavior. Benefits of organizational citizenship behavior are such as:-
1.Employees are eager to learn and do more work than what is prescribed by the standards.
2.Employees are
willing to help their co-workers.
3.Employees give advice on how to make work easier.
4.Employees are passionate about maintaining excellent customer relations and providing customer service.
5.Organizational citizenship behavior increases organizational efficiency and collective motivation.6.Organizational citizenship behavior refreshes and reactivates dormant organizational efforts.
7.It increases
employee morale, performance level, and productivity.
8.It increases the
job satisfaction of employees.
9.It reduces the
need for monitoring and administrative work.
10.This reduces the
cost of the organization.
11.It makes
employees ambitious.
12.It provides the
strength to accept organizational change and face the future.
13.They encourage maintaining organizational governance.
14.It inspires rebellion against those who work against the interests of the organization.
15.Gets employees to self-promote and advocate for the organization's services and products.