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Applications of Personality Traits And Characteristic at Workplace:-

Applications of Personality Traits And Characteristic At Workplace:-

Table of  Contents

A.Applications of Personality Traits And Characteristic At Workplace

B.Personality-job theory
C.Frequently Asked Questions

Applications of Personality Traits And Characteristic At Workplace/ Personality-job theory:-

Definitely employees have different personality and different characteristics. Organization should mobilize employee by matching their personality type with their jobs.  The Big five personality dimension is contextual for this purpose. Managers should utilize Big Five Dimension.

Personality traits and characteristics of employees can be applied at work place to get their better performance. Recruitment, selection, transfer and promotion of employees can be done according their personality type and characteristics.  It is because personality type and traits determine behavior of employees.

Employee's behavior can be anticipated according to their personality. They can be mobilized according to their personality traits too.  For example introverts people are silent, shy, lonely and less talkative in nature, it would not be appropriate to use them as a salesman. Instead of that, extrovert people are expressive, bold, social, assertive and more talkative in nature so that they fit more for working as sales man than introvert people.

Conscientious people are self disciplined, careful, systematic, through, responsible, reliable, assertive, goal focused in nature so that they fit more for doing research based works. In this personality traits and characteristic can be used to match their jobs. This match would provide benefits for both employee and management.

Managers should keep their attention more towards matching the personality with jobs in organizations.  Johan Holland has developed personality job theory to solve this problem. Holland has given following six types personality to match jobs with them.








They prefer those works which require skill, strength and coordination. They give priority to physical activities.

Stable, practical, persistent, conforming, genuine, shy

 Former, mechanic,

Press reporter,

Assembly line worker



They prefer those works which require more thinking, organizing and understanding.

Analytical, original,  curious, independent.

Biologist, economist,

mathematician, news reporter



They prefer those works which involve helping and developing others.


Sociable, friendly,

Co-operative and understanding


Social worker,





They prefer rules regulated, orderly and unambiguous works.

Conforming, efficient,

Practical, unimaginative,



corporate manager,

Bank teller,

File clerk


These people like working at competitive environment, taking leadership, influencing others, attaining power and achieving good position.

Self confidence, ambitions, energetic, domineering

Lawyer, real estate agent, public relations specialists, small business manager, businessman


These people enjoy doing creative, unsystematic and unique activities.

Imaginative, disorderly, emotional, impractical and idealistic

painter, interior decorator, musician, writer.

Frequently Asked Questions

1.What are the applications of personality traits?
2.Explain applications of personality traits and characteristics.
3.Explain personality job theory.
4.What is the application of personality testing in the workplace?
5.What is the application of Big Five personality traits?
6.What are the characteristics of personality at workplace?
7.How do you apply personality traits in organization?
8. How do you match job with personality traits in organization?
9.How is personality job theory applicable to organization?


Managers should recognize personality type of employees. So, he can decide right job for right personality type. So, perfect personality match with jobs would bring work efficiency and higher level of performance in organization.


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