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Key Elements, Basic Assumptions and System of Organizational Behavior

 What are the Key Elements of Organizational Behavior????

Table of contents

Key Elements of OB:-

1.Human Being:-

Human beings are human resources working inside organization. No organization can run without human being. Human resources work in groups or personally or in organizational setting. Human is most important factor of OB, it studies and teaches how to handle certain employee behavior. Organization always needs skilled human resources to achieve organizational goal.

2.Institutional Objective:-

Institutional objective is crucial factor of organizational behavior. Objective is future expected outcomes. Objective is set by proper planning. Market shares, innovation, productivity, physical and financial resources, profitability, performance, management development, social responsibility and wealth maximization are major institutional objectives. OB focuses on human resources management to achieve desired institutional objective and institutional effectiveness.

3.Institutional Structure:-

Institutional structure consists of coordinating means and resources, job specifications, division of work, provisioning of level wise designation, defining roles and responsibility to achieve institutional objective.


Technology is machinery, tools, techniques, methods or robotics anything that helps institution to accomplish task fast with less efforts in qualitative and time saving way. It reduces cost and reduces wastage and accidental harms. It plays crucial role in increasing employee efficiency, institutional effectiveness and getting better organizational performance.


Atmosphere is institutional business environment which includes external and internal environment. Internal environment consists of institutional culture, resources and structure which are controllable. External environment consists of political, economical, technological, geographical and global variables which are not controllable. OB depends upon such environmental factors which influences directly human resources activities within organization.

Foundations/ Basic Assumption of OB

A. The Nature of People:-  We study following basic assumptions:-

(i).Personal Diversity:-

Human being is similar with each other in some extent but differs in psychological features, attitude, belief, perception, personality, skills, level of intelligence, behavior, interests and family background. Such diversity comes through psychology, by birth, society, by religion, education and experience.

Individual differences influence on employees behaviors. Managers should treat and train each employee on the way what type of person they are.

(ii).Complete Person:-

An employee is not only worker for a organization, he is a fully natural person. He consists of emotions, sentiments, backgrounds, feeling and private life problems which can't be separated from life. His private life influences on work and his work influences on his private life. So, manager should treat him considering a fully natural person not only worker.


Human being is psychological creature and they can be inspired. They have desire to fulfill their needs. It is believed that they do any tasks to achieve certain results. So, managers should identify what inspires whom and apply it to motivate them.

(iv).Human Worth:-

People must not be behaved as machines, robots and animals. Their skills, ambitions, feelings, sentiments and aspirations must be identified as practically possible. They must be behaved with dignity, maintaining self respect, considering equity.

(v).Participative Nature:-

Employees may have desire of making distinct identity within organization through their capability, skill and efficiency. So,

Manager should identify such natures and needs to provide challenging tasks and creative responsibilities to them.  

B. The Nature of Organization:-We study following basic assumptions:-              

(i).Reciprocal Benefits:-

Organization needs people and people need organization to get reciprocal benefits for both parties. Employees need organization to achieve their personal goals. Organization needs employees to achieve its organizational goal. OB creates environment of achieving the reciprocal benefits for both parties.

(ii).Social setting:-

Organization is social unit of two or more unit. They are governed by social and psychological laws or rules. People are social beings. People have many social and psychological needs. They enjoy different status and roles. People's behavior is influenced by their needs as well as organizational goals. Social settings may consist of sub-systems also. Every sub-systems influence on other sub-systems.

(iii).Overall Approach:-

Organizational behavior overlooks human and organization relationships in terms of complete person, complete organization and complete social setting. It continuously tracks variables influencing human behavior and mobilizes HR through proper analysis of such variables.

(iv).Moral Dealings:-

Organization must maintain rules and regulation, punctuality, discipline, proper follow up of code of conduct on employees. Culture of reward and punishment must be also enforced properly.

OB System:-

An arranged gathering of resources and plan of actions unified and controlled by interdependence and inter linkage to achieve predetermined goal is called systems. An organization is assumed as system today. Organization carries task of formulating, utilizing and changing organizational system to accomplish the predetermined goal. System consist inputs, process and output.


Inputs are independent factors. These factors determine the job satisfaction, productivity, turnover, absenteeism and retention of employees. Here are three levels of inputs factors in OB system.

·    (a).Individual Level Inputs:-Biological features, ability, value, personality, attitudes, emotions etc.

·    (b).Group Level Inputs:-Cohesiveness, Roles, Status, Norms, Status, Group composition, group size, task characteristics, etc.

·    (c).Organizational Level Inputs:- Organizational structure, organizational size, organizational culture and organizational leadership etc.


Input factors are acquired from individual, group and organizational level are processed to achieve the output. Processing factors are such as:-

·     (a).Individual Processing Factors:- Decision making, learning, perception, motivation etc.

·     (b).Group Processing Factors:- Conflict process, power, politics, power, leadership, communication, conflict, team work and group dynamics etc.

·     (c).Organizational Process Factors:-Interaction with external environment, job design, organizational development, HR policies & program and Formal organization design etc.


Outputs are also said dependent factors too. Outputs are the results from inputs and process which OB extracts to analyze and anticipate .Dependent factors are such as:-

·     (a).Job Satisfaction:-Job satisfaction is positive feelings arouse on individual towards job. It represents attitude rather than behavior.

·     (b).Productivity:-Productivity is ratio between outputs and inputs. It shows performance efficiency and effectiveness.

·     (c).Citizenship:-Due to job satisfaction, employees become as a citizen of organization. They become loyal to organization.

·     (d).Absenteeism:- It is the situation of lacking intention to go for work. High absenteeism means low productivity and vice-versa.

·     (e).Turnover:-It is the situation which arises when employees are quitting jobs. It may be voluntary and involuntary withdrawal from organization. High level of employee turnover brings low level of productivity and vice versa.

·  (f).Collaboration:-It is state of having belief, mutual understanding, belongingness, and mutual assistance to each other in organization. As a result, they focus on achieving individual, group and organizational goal through collaboration.

·    (g).Hard Work:- It is state organization where employees are ready to perform high volume of tasks to achieve superior level of productivity for both themselves and organization.


The feedback system measures and evaluates outputs to predetermined standard. Corrective actions are taken if any gap found between predetermined standard and actual outcomes.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Explain key elements of organizational behavior.
  • What are the key elements of organizational behavior.Elaborate them.
  • Explain Foundations of Organizational Behavior.
  • Explain basic assumptions of organizational behavior.
  • Explain organizational behavior System or ob system.
  • State ob system.

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