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Attribution Errors:-

 What Are The Attribution Errors?????


Table of Contents

  • Actor Observe Bias
  • Self Serving Bais,
  • Hostile Bias
  • Optimistic Bias
  • Perceptual Selection
  • Consensus Bias
  • Group Bias
  • Perceptual Organization
  • Hedonic Bias
  • Contrast Effects
  • Negative Effects
  • Mental Projection
  • Basic Errors
  • Defensive Bias
  • Halo Effects

Attribution Errors:-

Attribution theory is related to show how normal people explain the reasons of behavior and events. It shows how people utilize information to clarify reasons of events. It explains what information people collect and how they utilize information to evaluate reasons.

(i).Basic Errors:-

It is related to narrating other's behavior. We focus more on internal causes like personality, traits, motives, feelings and ability while making concluding behavior of anyone. We ignore external causes like other people, events, situation and luck etc. It is our basic errors in judging behavior of others. If a coworker couldn't provide remit services in bank, another employee thinks his coworker is lazy doing work, he does not think first may be remit server is down.

(ii).Actor-observer bias:-

It is expanded form of basic errors. In this bias, people focus more on internal causes while explaining behavior of others. In their own case, people less focus on internal causes and focus more on external causes for showing their behavior. For example, a bank employee may blame slow server (external situation) for his slow work and he may say his friend is not working faster because his friend is lazy (internal factors).

(iii).Self Servicing Bias:-

In this bias, people give credit for their success to internal causes like personality, traits, motives, stamina, ability etc. They blame external causes like situation, other people, events and luck etc for their failure. Self serving bias increases with increasing time after occurrence of events. For example; an employee who got promotion may say that he is good at work and other employee who did not get promotion may say management is not fair in promotion.

(iv).Hostile Bias:-

In this bias, people explain unclear behavior of other as hostile behavior. For example: A woman listened two women were talking to each others in a room. They stopped talking while she entered to same room. She might think they were talking about her.

(v).Optimistic Bias:-

The nature of person which forces him to think he is the successful person than others is called optimistic bias. They also think that reasons of their success remains instant, fixed and increasing always.

(vi).Defensive Bias:-

In this bias, observers blame causes of mishap for reducing fear of being of victim. There is negative relationship between causes of blame with similarities of observers and participants of mishaps.  Assigned responsibility forces observers to assume that mishap could be controlled and prevented.

(vii).Perceptual Selection:-

Environment consists of various stimuli. All stimuli confront individuals but all can't be accepted in perceptual process. Some may get accepted and remaining gets rejected. Individual accepts that stimuli which attracts him or beneficial to him. Individual selects the stimuli which attracts him and reject other stimuli. For example we watch some interesting video in you tube ignoring others.

(viii).Consensus Bias:-

In this bias, people think their behavioral selection and decisions are common and fit to current scenarios. They think their personal features, traits, belief and activities are acceptable to general public.

(ix).Halo Effects:-

The cognitive bias created due to the perception of one trait influences the perception of other traits in a person or object though other trait is defective is known as Halo effects. In halo effects, the perception of one positive trait covers another bad trait of particular person.

(x).Group Bias:-

Group bias is task of making same belief towards all persons of specific category of people. The belief that all group members possess same characteristics either positive or negative is known as group bias. Such attitudes can be on their physical characteristics, personality, looks, cultures, norms, values and ability.

(xi).Perceptual Organization:-

Perceptual organization collects and organizes information about an object in as a whole and provides meaning. It means it does not provide meaning by observing partial information about that objects, it takes as whole information. Taking as whole information may not highlight specific information. 

(xii).Hedonic Bias:-

In this bias, a person thinks behavior or action of another person as intended to impact directly him. Impact may be beneficial or harmful.

(xiii).Contrast Effects:-

It is noticeable differences. External stimuli which are against background are perceived fast. A shepherd who grazes 25 goats and 1 sheep in a day would remember the sheep first due to contrast.

(xiv).Negative Effects:-

In this bias, negative nature of person like saddest thoughts, emotions, social interactions, harmful events greater influence on his behavior and actions. In this bias, people have less positive impact in behavior or actions than negative emotion.

(xv).Mental Projection:-

It is the mechanism to prevents defective content coming inside from outside. It uses personal experiences to project other's behaviors and actions. Ego protects from negative parts, misunderstanding and not seen loss.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the common attribution errors?
What do you mean by attribution error?
What are the three errors in attribution?
What are the four attribution errors?

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